Housing.LACounty.gov provides detailed information about affordable homeownership opportunities for income-eligible, qualified first-time homebuyers who otherwise might not be able to afford to purchase a home.
First-time homebuyers can learn about homeownership programs and free classes to help make informed decisions and access available financial assistance.
If you are a homeowner selling a house, townhouse, or condominium unit with affordability restrictions as a result of the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) development agreement, density bonus covenant, land use covenant, LACDA funding, or other LACDA programs, please email us at landuse@lacda.org. A staff member will help you determine if your property qualifies and will arrange for it to be listed.
Potentially eligible properties include homes that developers have built, rehabilitated, or otherwise are required to make available for sale with income, occupancy, resale, and other restrictions under the following program administered by the LACDA:
For-sale homes in the City of Los Angeles that have affordability restrictions may also be listed on Housing.LACounty.gov. For more information, please contact the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) at (213) 808-8806 or LAHD.OccMonitor@lacity.org.
NOTE TO HOMEOWNERS: If you are an owner of a property that is restricted by the LACDA under one of the programs referenced above and you are interested in re-selling your home, you must notify the LACDA. Please contact landuse@lacda.org for more information.